
At NAU: Fluid Mechanics 1, Applied Mechanics Dynamics, Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Method (FEM), Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics.

At Utah: Fluid Mechanics, Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, Scientific Machine Learning.

Education initiatives:

As part of our NSF CAREER award, we have started two education programs integrated with our ongoing research:

1- FAST (Fluids, Art, and StoryTelling! )  FAST will combine  visualization with simple cartoons to create artistic demonstrations of data analysis and fluid flow within a story.

2- Py4SciComp (Python for scientific computing) Py4SciComp is an educational effort that attempts to make  useful open-source Python-based resources in scientific computing accessible with tutorials, sample codes/data, and short theoretical lectures. We will focus on FEniCS, PyTorch, and VTK.  Py4SciComp is motivated by our NSF OAC funded research projects that develop Python cyberinfrastructure integrating FEniCS (FEM modeling), PyTorch (deep learning), and VTK (data pre/post-processing).

FAST (Fluids, Art, and StoryTelling! )

Please visit the FAST webpage (click here) for more information.

Py4SciComp (Python for scientific computing)

Please visit Py4SciComp’s Github page for a series of tutorials (sample codes, data,  and Youtube tutorials). Theoretical lectures supporting the tutorials are also included.

Open Science Matters!:

We have created a comprehensive list of publicly available webinar series in various disciplines  (machine learning, fluid/solid mechanics, computational modeling, biomechanics, applied math, etc.). Please check them out here and enjoy learning:  Open Science Matters webpage. 


Our group is actively involved in outreach activities to promote STEM education. We enjoy working with the younger generation. Our previous home Flagstaff was the first STEM community in America. We are committed to working with local students to support and promote STEM education in Utah.

Utah Hi-GEAR Summer Camp:

We led a hands-on data visualization workshop during the University of Utah’s annual Hi-GEAR summer camp event that promotes STEM participation. Our workshop emphasized artistic visualization of 3D blood flow data and medical images (June 2023).

Utah Exploring Engineering Camp:

Dr. Arzani, Mahmoud, and Siva led a hands-on data visualization workshop using ParaView during the Utah Exploring Engineering Camp (July 2023).

High School Summer Research Internship:

Our lab is hosting one high school student as part of University of Utah’s Summer Research Internship (SRI) program. The student is working on medical image processing (Summer 2024). Shurik did a fantastic job comparing blood flow CFD simulations based on 2D level set and 3D segmentation methods. Thanks to our PhD student Alexis and undergraduate student Nathan for being closely involved.

Flagstaff Festival of Science:

Dr. Arzani’s talk at Flagstaff Festival of Science (9/26/18) about “Using computers to assess disease risk” was very well received by the general audience.

Full STEAM Ahead:

As part of STEM CITY’s Full STEAM Ahead program, Dr. Arzani led a workshop for 7th Grade students of Sinagua Middle School’s MIT-e program (Middle School Institute of Technology and Engineering). We discussed fluid dynamics of COVID-19 spread and played around with 3D inhaling/exhaling airflow and droplet transport simulations in ParaView (2/10/21).

Local K12 teachers:

Please contact us if you are involved in STEM education or you want your class to visit us.